The Simulator for Hydrologic Unstructured Domains (SHUD - pronounced “SHOULD”) is a multi-process, multi-scale integrated hydrological model using the semi-discrete Finite Volume Method.
Spatial structure: Unstructured mesh domain. Three vertical layers: land surface, unstructured and saturated layers.
Time-step: Adaptive time-step based on the spatial resolution and slow-fast hydrological processes. The time-step ranges from 1 ~ 60 seconds.
The SHUD modeling system is of quick, reproducible and automatic hydrological modeling.
SHUD encapsulates the strategy for synthesizing multi-state distributed hydrological models using the integral representation of the underlying physical process equations and state variables. As a heritage of Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model (PIHM), the SHUD model is a continuation of 16 years of PIHM modeling in hydrology and related fields since the release of its first PIHM version (Qu, 2004).
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