SHUD Modeling System

The Simulator for Hydrologic Unstructured Domains (SHUD - pronounced “SHOULD”) is a multi-process, multi-scale integrated hydrological model using the semi-discrete Finite Volume Method.

Spatial structure: Unstructured mesh domain. Three vertical layers: land surface, unstructured and saturated layers.

Time-step: Adaptive time-step based on the spatial resolution and slow-fast hydrological processes. The time-step ranges from 1 ~ 60 seconds.

The SHUD modeling system is of quick, reproducible and automatic hydrological modeling.

SHUD encapsulates the strategy for synthesizing multi-state distributed hydrological models using the integral representation of the underlying physical process equations and state variables. As a heritage of Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model (PIHM), the SHUD model is a continuation of 16 years of PIHM modeling in hydrology and related fields since the release of its first PIHM version (Qu, 2004).

SHUD Source Code
rSHUD Source Code

3D Model User Guide

SHUD Modeling System

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