2 Install SHUD and rSHUD
The SHUD model requires the support of the SUNDIALS or CVODE library. SUNDIALS is a SUite of Nonlinear and Differential/ALgebraic equation Solvers, consists of six solvers. CVODE is a solver for stiff and nonstiff ordinary differential equation (ODE) systems (initial value problem) given in explicit form \(y' = f(t,y)\). The methods used in CVODE are variable-order, variable-step multistep methods. You can install the entire SUNDIALS suite or CVODE only.
Since the SUNDIALS/CVODE keeps updating periodically and significantly, the function names and structure are changed accordingly, we suggest to use the specific version of the solver, rather than the latest solver.
SUNDIALS/CVODE is available in LLNL: https://computation.llnl.gov/projects/sundials/sundials-software
The installation of CVODE v3.x:
- Go to your Command-Line and enter your workspace and unzip your CVODE source code here.
- make directories for CVODE, including builddir.
mkdir builddir
cd builddir/
- Try ccmake. Install
if you don’t have one.
- Run ccmake to configure your compile environment.
ccmake ../sundials/cvode-5.0.0
This is an empty configure. Press c
to start the configuration.
The default configuration. Make sure the value for three lines:
EXAMPLES_INSTALL_PATH = ~/sundials/examples
After the modification of values, press c
to confirm configuration.
The ccmake configures the environment automatically. When the configuration is ready, press g
to generate and exit.
- Then you run commands below:
make install
2.2 SHUD
Configuration in Makefile:
- Path of SUNDIALS_DIR. [CRITICAL]. If you install SUNDIALS into ~/sundials, you don’t change this line..
- Path of OpenMP if the parallel is preferred.
- Path of SRC_DIR, default is
- Path of BUILT_DIR, default is
After updating the SUNDIALS path in the Makefile, user can compile the SHUD with:
make clean
make shud
There are more options to compile the SHUD code:
make all
- clean, then make both shud and shud_ompmake help
- help informationmake shud
- make SHUD executablemake shud_omp
- make shud_omp with OpenMP support
2.2.1 OpenMP
If parallel-computing is prefered, please install OpenMP. For mac:
brew install llvm clang
brew install libomp
compile flags for OpenMP:
-Xpreprocessor -fopenmp -lomp
Library/Include paths:
2.2.2 Run SHUD executables.
After the successful installation and compile, you can run SHUD models using
./shud <projectname>
Command line pattern is:
./shud [-0][-p projectfile] [-o output] [-n Num_Threads] <project_name>
Dummy simulation. Load input and write output, but no calculation.<project name>
is the name of the project.[-p projectfile]
Specify the project file, which includes the path to input files and output path.[-o output_folder]
Output directory. Default is output/projname.out[-n Num_Threads]
Number of threads to run with OpenMP, which works withshud_omp
only. Usage:
When the shud
program starts to run, the screen should look like this:
2.3 rSHUD
This rSHUD is an R package. What you need is to install the package as a source code package. For example:
The prerequisite packages for rSHUD are:
- Rcpp
- reshape2
- ggplot2
- gridExtra
- grid
- fields
- xts
- hydroGOF
- zoo
- raster (>= 2.1.0)
- sp
- rgeos
- RTriangle
- rgdal (>= 1.1.0)
- proj4
- abind
- utils
- lubridate
- geometry
- methods
- ncdf4
- GGally
- doParallel
One of the required packages, RTriangle, must be installed via GitHub instead of CRAN, using command: